" What happened? Why do you look as if someone put a stick inside your ass!" Sidharth gasped and groaned at the embarrassing comment. He didn't mind though. He knew from whom it came.
Imran pushed the door and walked straight in and plopped down on the other side of the chair.
Sidharth sighed and leaned against his chair. The heaviness of this whole ordeal called marriage, taking a toll on his mind and heart. His face looked too dull and there was a pain there that was indecipherable. Imran looked at him with concern.
" What is it Sidharth?" He asked. Sidharth just could breathe a long sigh again. He wanted to tell this man everything. This man, the closest to him at this point in life. His colleague turned best friend.
" What's wrong man!" You are giving me creeps." Imran could sense there was something greatly wrong with his buddy. The way he had been telling all this time in the office, Imran had never seen Sidharth in such a mood till date. He was a serious man while at work, but a very jovial and jolly person whom everyone in the office liked and admired. But today, the Sidharth everyone got a glimpse of, it was just not him.
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